Site 3D

We hold the safety and wellbeing of emergency services at the heart of everything we do. We acknowledge the necessity and obligation to have the greatest quality of intelligence prior to deploying staff into high-risk areas. For this reason, Duplicity 3D is breaking down the boundaries of how we look at incidents and are now bringing the scene of operations to the decision makers. Placing information such as hazards / access/ water access/ structure and much, much more in your very hands. Site3D enables the user to view entire areas in intuitive 3D models which you can move around, zoom in, inspect and identify strategic points or hazards at a point of safety giving decision makers the greatest chance to make informed decisions.

SITE3D – Applications

Site3D brings Building Information Models to the user in way that is accessible anywhere and that is affordable. Some of its uses are:

  • Mobile in-depth site information during an emergency
  • Create highly intuitive 3D models of site
  • Identify changes within an area
  • Locate and communicate risks within a site to teams
  • Comparative model production to identify changes over time
Site 3D Drone
Site 3D
Site 3D